
By dreaming

My massage therapist has all kinds of interesting decorative things in her home, and today I caught sight of this trivet and thought it deserved a blip.  I love the design and the colors.

I've committed to going to my 50th reunion - in fact, I purchased my airline ticket today.  Now I have to work out the logistics of where I will be staying and how I will get around.  The cost of just registering for the reunion is $650, which came as a real shock, and hotel rooms in Cambridge are astronomically priced.  I'm hoping to be able to stay in a dorm on campus or at the home of a classmate who lives in town.  Although my former roommate offered to have me stay with her, she actually lives in Plymouth, MA, which is quite a distance from Cambridge, and she isn't planning to go every day, so I would have to deal with traveling on my own, with my walker.  Not a good plan. I haven't traveled anywhere in at least 5 years and this whole process is making me terribly anxious.  I really want to do this, but I'm terrified at the same time.

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