A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


A very different start to the day today. A heavy frost and, although most of the snow has gone. there were patches of black ice on paths and side roads. At least the frozen puddles were better than mud which was till there but a bit firmer than usual.

We did an early walk from the top of Wilsden taking in the usual views of Cullingworth and Hewenden Viaduct.. It was bright and sunny but there were patches of cloud hanging in places so it looked as though the day could go either way.

The sun won out making a lovely spring like morning. After coffee at the Tittle Tattle Tea shop I had a bit of shopping to do and when I got back I  noticed the sun had opened this little tulip. There was also one of the Tete a Tete daffodils open too. (A year ago all these bulbs in this tub were in flower by now) Spring must really be quite close!

Its dull now and I believe it's due to rain tomorrow.

Yesterday's snow really did happen - you can see more of our walk in this Flickr set. The last two in the set are courtesy of Wilsden Walker and Corinthian Column

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