
Yesterday daughter Kate had to make the hard decision to end the pain her dear Florence, one of the family sheep, was going through. Her legs and feet were no longer able to carry her.

Florence was just a few weeks short of her 11th birthday and has been with Kate since her third day as an orphaned lamb.

All of the family will be sad as all of Kate's animals are family members and the children respect this too. They have known Florence all their lifetimes.

I saw these sheep (another one on the next shelf in the background) when I popped into the supermarket after the evening dog walk. Though I needed to buy a loaf of bread but just as I was taking this photo with the mobile phone, a WhatsApp came in from Angie saying she just got one.

In the evening started suffering from a "funny tummy" and that usually means kidney stones. This time of year is dangerous as have been doing little physical shaking exercise for months. As always not painful but uncomfortable.

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