A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Nn’s brkfst

Monday has been reasonably efficient and productive but this is about the most exciting thing that’s happened. Well apart from being offered two more potential work projects which was nice. Does mean our house will never be tidy but I’m very much coming around to acceptance on that one.

In case there is the vaguest smidgeon of curiosity in you....Anna likes variety in her breakfasts (frankly every meal) but gets up pretty early on a school day and lacks the ability to function to the extent of making herself anything other than a bowl of cereal until she has had food to wake her up. Sometimes I surprise us both by being both up and perky enough to produce something as exotic as an omelette. This is an experiment for the days when that is not the case.

We’ve just caught up on lots of Only Connects so Carl suggested I remove the vowels. Maybe next time I’ll do it on the jar.

Lesley x

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