rocket science

I was in the kitchen all day at work today. 

At home, I am Boss of the kitchen. I oversee the planning and buying of all the food, and for the best part of the last 30 years  have done all the cooking (not the washing up, which was D's job when he wasn't at work). Since D retired, he has taken his turn at cooking, as do any other family members who happen to be at home. At work however, I'm a bit out of my comfort zone - the food at work is very different from what we eat at home and preparation has to be done in a specific and standardised way so that we can then teach it to the trainees. (Actually, and impressively, it is often the trainees who are teaching me how things should be done). Anyway, this morning I made the day's soups - mushroom and broccoli & horseradish - and then spent most of the afternoon washing dishes. It doesn't sound much but along the way I learned a lot of stuff (for example, how to use the enormous soup blender which looks like a rocket and how to take it apart safely for cleaning).

I came home from work delighted to see the first daffodils blooming in our garden, underneath the cherry tree.

Now it's time to cook the dinner :-)

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