Today's Special

By Connections

Full heart, with gratitude for all who wrote comments and gave stars and hearts to my last blip, about my son's first book being published. Will was very touched by your kindness and enthusiasm.

... my life right now, with singing (Whatcom Chorale concert coming up this Sunday, preceded by a three-hour dress rehearsal on Saturday and making cookies for the post-concert reception), routine but time-consuming keeping-me-functioning appointments (physical therapy, annual eye exam, etc.), volunteering at an interfaith event, continuing to exchange family history information with my newly-discovered first cousin... that's not a comprehensive list, but all I can manage late on Tuesday evening after the penultimate Whatcom Chorale rehearsal before our concert!

I'm very grateful to have a life so rich in activities that warm my heart and feed my soul.

Blip 1921 

The beautiful basket in the photo's foreground, one of my favorites at the Whatcom Museum's "Rooted, Revived, Reinvented: Basketry in America" exhibition, is a White Oak Egg Basket made in 2004 by Kentucky-based Leona Waddell. In 2016, she was named a National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellow for maintaining "the traditional form of the region's baskets" and putting "her own personalized evolving imprint on each one." The exhibition runs through May 6; I highly recommend it, if you live in the area.

I took the photo on Sunday, but haven't had time to post it until today (Tuesday, March 13, 10:55 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time, USA).

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