
Much is changing.  I've learnt so much about myself this past month. 
Where there's a will there's a way.  

Even though I think I'm not very strong, I'm actually stronger than I think.  If I can't physically do something, I explore new ways of harnessing strength instead of thinking I can't. I did this yesterday!

I can function on little sleep as long as I keep moving.  (It's not what I want but I have sleep robbers that wake me and dance around in my head!) 

In the midst of upheaval, I can still say life is good.  Very good.

I believe that change can make or break us.  We can run from it or toward it and let it embrace us. 
This weeks biggest challenge included letting go of something big.  After I let it go, the universe brought it back.  More on that later...

Attitude is about perspective.  What are we believing? 
Whatever our current view, whether it be from the lows in the valley or euphoria of a mountain top, how we choose to walk out our life is really what matters.  

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