Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Overheard at the Hide Bar & Grille

All tucked into my comfy hide on the patio, mere feet from the birds, feeling ever so smug, I was a little dismayed to overhear this conversation between Cardinal and Finch...

Red:  Do you see that...that... thing?
Less Red:  you mean that large hill that wasn't there this morning?
Red:  Yes, the very one.  Have you noticed that it moves?
Less Red:  WHAT?  What do you mean "it moves?"
Red:  I mean that, every so often, it moves.  Sometimes only a little shifty bit of movement and other times it seems to get up and travel several feet.
Less Red:  Should we be afraid?
Red:  No, I don't think so.  I think that silly humanoid female is in there.  You know, the one who's always aiming something at us as we try to go about our daily business?
Less Red:  Oh, yea...her.  
Red:  Just pretend you don't notice it, okay?  But don't turn your back, just in case...

Clearly, I have some work to do in the "acting furtive" department.  Still, I quite like the hide.  I'll like it even better once I figure out a quick way to secure it to something on the patio so it doesn't travel at the first gust of wind.  In spite of it being only in the high 30's F outside, I was pretty comfy in the hide as it heated up in the sun.  That may not be an asset come summer...

Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Sorry not to be blipping something green, but the color of hte day is still ... white.  As in snow.  At least with temps above freezing for the next week, it should melt.  Hopefully.

The photo is a handsome male Cardinal (left) and a male House Finch (right).  If you look closely, you'll see that both have sunflower seeds in their beaks which they are in the process of cracking.  Once cracked, they'll use their tongues to extract the sunflower meat and eject the seed shell.  Clever.


PS:  I put a pic of the Hide, all condensed down to it's portable size, in Extra.  Supposedly you can sling it on like a backpack, although I think it might be a little awkward. 

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