A time for everything

By turnx3

Turtle on a log

The day dawned frosty, but bright and sunny, and under the clear skies and sunshine, it turned into a beautiful mild afternoon. Busy morning at church, playing handbells for the introit, accompanying the anthem and the prayer response, then staying for bible study as usual. Some of us were a bit concerned about how the anthem would go, since 6 of the handbell choir also normally sing in the choir, so the choir was somewhat reduced in size, but I guess it went pretty well. It was mid afternoon before we got out to Rowe Woods for some exercise and to enjoy the signs of Spring all around - daffodils, hellebores, as well as several other wild flowers pushing their way up through the dead leaves. The forest floor is definitely greening up, and some of the undergrowth is sporting new fresh leaves. Several turtles were out sunning themselves, and you could see newts in the pond. Squirrels were scampering around looking for nuts they had buried, and birds were in full song in the trees. The sun had also brought loads of people out - both the car parks were pretty full, but once you head out on the trails, you leave many people behind.
One year ago: Fungus

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