
Miss E loves her writing. She wrote this - in my completely neutral and unbiased opinion - bloody brilliant story this morning.
And then insisted I took a picture of her with it. Naked and covered in tattoos.
It's quite an enterprise getting something this long written - she needs the letters dictating but I try and get her to work out what letters she needs. Then I have to try and remember to use the stupid phonics pronunciation that she uses at school: A as in apple not A as in A,B,C

A cat met a rat and they sat on a mat then they met a bat. It's night time and they went home and it was morning and they all lived happily ever after

It wasn't until I looked at it that I saw the bit about meeting a bat. I didn't dictate that bit so she'd done it all by herself!!!!
I would apologise for my blatant boasting and pride in my clever little girl but I'm not sorry!!! Ha ha!!!

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