Has Spring Sprung?

Officially it's the first day of spring, and it's certainly felt more like it - lets hope we've finished with the snow and cold weather, and we're on the way up!  

My cold has really come out today, so no swimming for me this morning, in fact I didn't do very much!  I was in work at 2pm, so I stopped off in Rottingdean to take this shot looking back towards Saltdean.  It's been a busy shift and I was starting to flag so I got sent home early - another advantage of working for a doctor!  It's been an interesting day though, with  two very well known people (who I've never heard of) and a WAG.  We have a lot of unknown patients too who get treated in exactly the same way, but it does make being on reception interesting.  

Anyway, I'm going to pack my bag ready for heading to Rachel's tomorrow, and then I'm going to bed and hopefully after a good nights' sleep I'll feel a bit better.  I was planning to leave very early as Rach doesn't work on Wednesdays and we were hoping to go out for lunch, but I'm not going to rush, I'll leave when I'm ready.

The birthday girl had a good day from what I've heard, and I look forward to seeing her and giving her our present tomorrow.

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