Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Black Cat Awareness Day

so another blip of Billy :) See further details here

Bless him, he's been out but its soo very wet and still dull here today (and windy too) that he was soon back in, and now curled up asleep next to me. Tried to get him to play with a pale pink ribbon but he wasn't much interested.... There are a few more shots on my folio ;)

Breast cancer awareness Pink Ribbon here!

Awful night last night, very stuffy nose and not a lot of sleep, finally got up and had a splitting headache! I'm just chilling out and not going to do all I planned to do.... Really, really don't need a cold right now...not before this weekend and my Dad's Retirement do....

At least I got yesterday's planned Spaghetti Bolognaise in the slow cooker first thing, so it will be nice and cooked at about 6pm :)

Oh yes, and I've managed to scan some pictures in for my Dad's Retirement Montage I am attempting :) Can anyone advise me how I can get rid of a crease in a photograph taken in 1939? Thanks in advance!

Should be going to our Church Meeting tonight, so going to see how I feel later, because I don't often manage to get there thanks to working hours.

Have a great day blippers :)

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