A boy in my bed

Amongst my visitors today was Jackson (of cowboy boot fame). He enjoyed exploring all around our flat, but was most excited to find the teddies on my bed, as blipped.

Darcie and Erin visited at the same time as Jackson. Just as they were about to leave, my school friend Barbara contacted me out of the blue (as is her wont.)

Barbara, who lives in the west of Scotland, is currently in Edinburgh for a conference. This afternoon she had an unexpected 2 hour break in her programme and she wondered whether I was up for a visit. Of course I was!

Barbara jumped into a taxi to pop across town to spend an hour or so with me. She works as a radiographer in the Scottish Breast Cancer Screening Programme, so we had a lot to talk about :-)

I managed a short walk out this morning when I called into my GP's surgery. I think I have drunk far too much tea and eaten too many cakes/scones/chocolates today.

Exercise today: walking (6778 steps).

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