Engulfed at the Gulf

It was REALLY windy today, so I figured there would be some surfers out. But, I wasn't counting on seeing wind surfers.

There were probably 10 regular surfers, and 3 wind surfers. I didn't get any good shots of the surfers, but the wind surfers went WAY out to sea, and then came all the way back to the shore.

I don't know if I would have tried this, even in my prime. It kind of reminds me of water skiing. When I did water ski, it really tore at my arms, and I think wind surfing would do the same thing. ????

It was so windy on the pier, that the wind actually moved me...twice. Kind of scary.

A couple more shots in my Extras. A ruddy turnstone, a jellyfish, and more of the surfers.

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