You know it's Autumn when...'re cycling down the hill and a leaf gets stuck on your nose.

Although this is staged, the incident did happen. I cycled through a few leave molting trees on the way home but one leaf, this leaf to be particular, landed right on the end of my nose and travelled with me for about 10 metres before I snatched and pocketed it.

I had a useless revelation on the way across the bridge tonight as well. You know they are painting the towers of the Forth Road Bridge? As part of this work they had to contruct and move at probalby a very great expense, the drop object netting that is currently errected on the north tower. It's there to stop any stray objects being dropped onto the road whilst the painting is getting done.

My thought was, why don't they just clip all their tools to themselves. Climbing harness, which I assume they'll already have to wear, carabiner clips and string on the ends of paint brushes and stuff, attached to waist.

Pity my suggestion comes just as they seem to be putting the last licks of paint to the last tower.

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