Cat Trap . . . Successful!

It was a Friday, and for once, I stayed home. My husband decided to run some errands in town, and he came back from Sam's Club with a hot and tasty rotisserie chicken (NOM!), some sundries, and a wonderful new box.

The box, of course, was immediately claimed by our tabbycat, Dexter. First we put it upside down, and he sat under it like a king in his castle. Then we put it right-side up, like this. You can see the result. Want to trap a feline? Simply set out an empty box, and it will soon be full of CAT!

The new and awesome box has been put into service. We took what was left of the old water heater box and put it in the garage, and replaced it with this one. The light shines under it and it will be a wonderful place to crawl and hide. Welcome, awesome new box!

Caught in a trap? Can't walk out? The soundtrack song is a favorite: Dwight Yoakum with Suspicious Minds. Music begins around 1:25.

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