From the Bus Stop...

back of Reading Station!

(the extra is a flower bed opposite the bus stop) :)

What a day - first of all - bus to hospital - more than useless, I nearly missed my scan appointment.  Anyway they've told me that at least the scan seems fairly OK, nothing to worry about, so that's a relief off my mind!

Due to buses - I left work at 1.50pm and wasn't able to get the first bus for 30 minutes (should have been 10 minutes :( )  A very rude bus driver complained that I stopped HIS bus just to ask a question....  I hadn't put my hand out, was just standing there... got back to work to pick up the car at 5.30pm (and my hospital appointment was at 3.15pm)...


Got home to find our part of the road dug up (and how dare they- **** Virgin Media- but they've dug across the end of my garden without asking permission).. I'm trying to find a photograph of what it looked like before they did that :(  My blood is boiling for sure :(:(  

Not only that but I''ve a party driveway and neither myself nor my neighbour could access our part of the drive.  Its a good job we get on so well and could park in a line...

Anyway, I couldn't get through on the phone, seems its for customers only and so posted on their Facebook page and said I'd go to an immediate response and at least I have a complaints reference no (I will wave it in front of the diggers tomorrow if they're there before I leave for work)!!!

End of Rant

Sorry, but that has been my day!

Only tomorrow, then I'm on holiday (but at home) for a week....and probably going to be listening to flippin' pneumatic drills outside the house when I'm trying to write a sermon, children's talk and prepare to lead a whole service and serve communion all on the 8th April. 

I maybe absent from blip for a while...but you know I can't keep away completely :)

And that's Monday (very thankfully) over with!

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