Arrived to Oslo in Norway

I'm blipping from Oslo today - from Norway!

I am here to teach a Heelwork To Music Judges Seminar. It is the second time I teach such a Seminar in Norway and I am looking forward to it. I find judging really interesting and just talking to my hostess Ellen about it in the car on the way from the airport to the hotel made me very excited to be back here. I am sure it will be a really interesting weekend.

Beat and Bridie is staying with my dad whilst I am here and Hero and Biscuit is with my friend Helle, so they are probably having a fabulous time and not missing me at all. Hmpf!

This is:
Top left: Bridie making herself comfortable in the car on our way to my dad's.
Top right: Going to Oslo! (can you find the little Border Collie?)
Bottom left: Arriving to Oslo
Bottom right: The Norwegian Kennel Club has booked a lovely hotel room for me.

Latest news from the hospital: My mum had a kidney scan, which did not look good, so now they are treating both the original problem (kidneys) and the broken hip, so that is a relief.

Happy Weekend, Blippers
Emmy (missing the Hazyland boys and Bridie)

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