Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Easter Monday Holiday... and the weather was atrocious!

"Wet and windy" is one description, but it was very wet with persistent rain throughout the day (that is, until it started snowing just before teatime) and the wind was blustery and particularly cold. Not a day for going out if that could be avoided..

Unfortunately, I needed to go to the shops to buy some food. Just as I was leaving the house we had a power cut - the second in about five days - so I decided to make a small diversion on my journey home to buy a wind-up lantern thingy that might come in handy next time.

There is a branch of a store founded initially by Richard Block and David Quayle (the things one finds on the internet!) nearby and part of that garden centre looked rather colourful on an otherwise wet, windy and grey day. Blip sorted.

And my house had its heating and lighting restored by the time I returned home. Thank goodness, because we had some serious snowfall within the hour and for several hours afterwards.

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