The Tree (and the snow)

With a metre of snow still covering the hills and fields a few centimetres of extra snow isn't really going to make a lot of difference to when the real spring arrives. Even so it was a bit of a shocker when it started snowing heavily around lunch time, and continued all afternoon.
I love the snow, but even I'm beginning to think "enough is enough". Most people who live here starting thinking like that a while back! 
I'm very glad we get our food from a shop because any spring planting is going to be severely delayed. 100 years ago such winters led to local starvation, and in 1917 hunger amongst the working classes nearly led to a Russian style revolution in Sweden.
The "normal" state of things is that the last of the snow melts away in April.  Looking back to 1 year ago today, and then 2 years ago today shows this, (and Rusty). 
Oh well, it will be as it will be, and once this wet snow stops falling we'd best enjoy our prolonged winter as best we can!

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