These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

sliver of perfection

Today was not a great picture taking day. In fact, I noticed the moon driving home from dropping Tyler off at his AWANA class tonight and thought, I better run out and catch a picture of it for my Blip of the day. I played around a little with it, different shutter speeds, etc. This was finally the picture I decided on. A few of the others, I left the shutter open too long and the moon was slightly distorted because of movement. But this one was simple and beautiful and I decided it would do.

Today, we had another day at home. Tyler is feeling a ton better and was an angel today. Mia was still spiking fevers, up to 104 degrees. So, we decided to haul her to the doctor and she does have a bit of pneumonia. So, antibiotics, here we come. I'm just relieved to have some answers and some solutions. I was really starting to worry. She's been in pretty good spirits though, and now, I can't wait for her to be 100% because she will be ten times funnier than she already is. She's tucked in bed now, hopefully, for the rest of the night.

I had a meeting this morning for a possible photography opportunity that I'm very excited about. I've got some work to do to prepare and get organized, but it could prove to be a great way to get started and get some professional experience. We'll see how it goes!

I'm trying to think of some specific kid stories to share but it seems every time I sit down to tell someone about the funny things they do and say, I can't remember a thing. Such is life. Tyler just got home and is thrilled that he earned two patches at Cubbies tonight. He absolutely loves AWANA. and, his best friend Silas goes too, which makes it all the better.

Tomorrow, we are planning on getting up early and making cookies to deliver to the garbage man when he arrives for our garbage. Garbage man Jack is a highlight around our house and Tyler can't wait to get up and make him some cookies!

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