Bovine buddy

Mutual curiosity with this wonderful beastie. Maybe it was my orange shoes ;-)

My day started early and I've packed in a lot other than work, some were just mundane errands and jobs at home, others time dependent decisions I've been mulling over, and some in preparation for when Dad passes away.

I did a small supermarket shop. Life goes on and toilet paper still needs to be bought. I felt tears well behind my eyes as I had to decide if I should buy my usual amount of milk and yogurt for the week, or just a bottle/carton of each? I went for the latter.

Late this afternoon I helped shovel another load of horse poop into a ute for the community garden. It was windy and we both ended up dirty and dusty.

Jasper was interested in the farm smells and ever so helpful putting my electric blanket on the bed.

I'm waiting to hear how Dad is this evening. He slept peacefully this morning.

Today's gratitude: For the smoothness and ease today.

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