The last gasp of the last amaryllis of the year

I've been surprised this year that all the amaryllis flowers of the last few years have re-flowered, against all the odds. I don't do much for them and keep them rather haphazardly but they seem very willing.

This one has a very long stem and four huge red flower of which this was the last to open. The one on the right is already receding having done its work. I wanted to capture the flowers and as this is Flower Friday I decided it is my last chance. I nearly chose a close-up of the anthers and stigma but in the end the whole flower seemed worth recording here.

The white flowers are part of the winter jasmine plant which I blipped recently. Having been brought indoors from the much cooler cabin, they have come into flower much more rapidly and their delicate scent is very beautiful and much admired by both visitors and us.

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