7029 – 'Clun Castle' back on its home tracks

I've been running market stalls for the last three days, and the last two days were in the centre of town. Helena is away having fun with friends in West Wales so yesterday and today I've looked after both of our stalls at the Shambles, which has been fun. 

Our friend Jen kindly offered to stand in for me this morning because I've had an appointment in my diary for some months to watch this classic Western Region steam engine on one of its first outings since returning to mainline working on an excursion form Birmingham to Oxford. Clun Castle was based at Gloucester when steam trains were the main source of power for mainline passenger trains, and it would have often pulled the famous 'Cheltenham Flyer to Paddington using this exact railway line through Stroud to Swindon.

I rushed to the station which was only two hundred yards from the Shambles Market and took up my planned position on the oposite platform which provides a good wide side long view of the engine and carriages as it come round the bend through the station. But it was running a bit late and when  heard the station announcement of a train's arrival, going in the opposite direction I knew I was in trouble. I heard the whistle of the steam engine indicating it was approaching the nearby pedestrian crossing over the railway. So I quickly rushed back to the pedestrian footbridge and managed to find a position without too many other sightseers in the way. The smoke was very thick and with the train probably travelling at nearly 50mph it has moved a lot in the wind. It smelt wonderful to me!

My view was limited to this head-on shot but at least I got some pictures. A keen steam enthusiast came to the stall a short while later and said he hadn't been able to see it as the other train had blocked the view for many people. He wants me to show him my pictures next time he visits the Shambles. The rest of the day went well and everyone seemed happier that the sun was shining once again.

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