While the dog's away

Following a policy of alternate exercise and  rest (which is helping my ankle problem no end) I am today at home whilst Mr L and Nell have gone walkies - right around the lake!  I am not being idle and have tackled laundry and cleaning tasks but did take time out for coffee and macarons...

Having seen some great results from an Olympus with kit lens in Macro mode yesterday I thought to give it a whirl. I can't figure out why all my images are so rubbish when I see such good examples in the user groups. Perhaps I bought a lemon? Maybe it's me? I wish I had my Canon back.

I am going to try a factory reset on the camera and then study the manual in depth. There has to be a reason why all my photos are so blobby. I'm not even sure that it is noise. It doesn't look noisy in a way that I am used to. They just look like really awful jpeg compression blotches... although I am shooting in RAW. 

Even after all this time I am feeling no love for the Olympus. A Canon girl through and through, like a stick of Blackpool rock.

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