
Today the weather changed completely and it has been dull, misty and rainy. So now I am wondering why we decided today was the day to turn off our heating! But we did. We must get tougher.

I had a relaxed start to my day. Showered under the new shower. It was wet and warm like a shower is supposed to be, so that's good. The boys can stop having baths now it's fixed. Jon doesn't like a bath! I did the ironing and we did tidying. Well, Jon did the tidying. It was long overdue, but I'm not very good at it. I've just got to try and keep it tidy now. We had coffee in the conservatory mid morning. After lunch, we took a walk in the drizzle to the allotment, where I planted 6 broad bean plants. I cheated and bought them in Homebase yesterday. I showed Jon the bed I dug last week - I suspect he will neaten it up when he gets a chance. It is an odd shape. The other seeds I planted at home aren't showing yet, apart from these tomatoes. I will try to prick them out this week and plant a few up in bigger pots. There is lots to do on the allotment, but we feel positive about it, so if my other seeds come up, I'll need more beds dug. It is quite exciting watching the fruit bushes we have discovered, developing and producing leaves. We have to guess what they are until fruit appears. We will have to get some kind of nets though, as the birds are renowned for clearing them of any fruit.

Back home we settled down to watch a film Jon and Henry bought. It was quite good - Dr Strange. They love the Marvel hero films.

I cooked a lasagne for dinner and now we are watching tv. Manda should be here in about an hour, with her 3 kids. They are here just for a couple of days. It it really difficult for us to get together, and I know how disappointed Mollie was to not see them, but we have to grab every opportunity. Anyway, I'm looking forward to spending 2 days together.

Sun would be nice....

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