Up on the Mountain

Tonight I am staying up on Wookeys Mountain.....Dion cooked a wonderful dinner (here he is making home made pasta) and cake to celebrate my birthday.........I kinda reckon when one is 60 and over we can celebrate for the whole of the month. Marlene ....Dions new French girlfriend (good team) also did a fine job in the kitchen...you gotta love that.

The Internet connection is a bit dodgy here so I probably won't get around to you journals till tomorrow evening.

I wanted to stay up here cause the view is so magnificent ..over the hills all the way to the ocean.......and especially for the sunrise....which I have set my alarm for.
I am wanting to practice some time lapse..........I hope not too cloudy....and well just to watch it.

Then if it doesn't rain (we did have 10 drops today) I plan on walking down the mountain in the morning to my car ...about 4 kilometers of crazy dirt track.

Thank you so much for the hearts and stars for yesterday's Blip....I really appreciate it a lot.

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