The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Old Shepperton

I wandered up to the square of traditionally built pubs, St Nicholas Church, and the old ferry cottage (I'm guessing that there was once a ferry across the Thames). I also discovered a car showroom housed in a low square, timber framed building. I did not visit any of CleanSteve's old haunts from his boyhood in Surrey, but I have chosen the prettiest of the pubs as my blip. I had to drop it too close on the left, and frame it, because I edited out a parked car, but a bit of headlamp crept in somewhere else. (I only have free editing software, it's limited).

Afterwards I walked down to Shepperton village ( the shops and the high street). Shepperton is not upmarket, but has many independent stores and not many chains. So many charity shops! I bought a DVD (West is West) and a rubbishy thriller. I was fascinated to eavesdrop on some women about my age who were choosing a DVD to watch today. Their choice had to be certificate 18, and scenes of extreme eviolence and torture were favoured. Hmm, I'd rather a Jane Austen, or something with subtitles, a cat on my lap, and a packet of gluten free chocolate HobNobs. ( sadly, the latter has not yet been invented. Why ever not? Dear McVitties...)

Back at the house, I started the summer jigsaw ( finished the spring one earlier) and discovered a country music radio station. It's good for a song or two before the tide of sentimentality and steel strings threatens to wash me down the sewer of human suffering.

Now it's just me, the cat, the sofa and the television. Minus the biscuits. I'm posting early in case the internet plays up again tonight.

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