Turkey Trouble!!!!!

Raspberry had enough this morning. I wish I had been able to capture her jumping at the door and the flurry of wings from these two turkeys. She lost interest quickly and concentrated on her naughty antics to get me to dispense some more of that cream cheese she knows is in the refrigerator. She has a standard repertoire of tricks, pawing the small Cuisenart chopper on the counter, rattling the painting frame over the sideboard where I keep all my cameras. She knows this will really annoy me and get my attention. Rewarding her stops the behaviors(I have only listed two of the many up her paw), and she is usually the winner. It's impossible to punish her and she knows that.

For the Record, 
This day came in foggy with lovey blue skies now.

All hands looking forward to T's return tonight, but terrified of what the Chump has planned for today.

Nora is 11 months old today! If you follow this link you can see that she ended her 10th month walking.

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