Celebrating with a Latte

We were at the Grange Alpine Restaurant at Asfordby for a light breakfast after I'd been to Leicester General Hospital to have swabs and bloods taken for my pre-op assessment. It only took half an hour, so a journey towards Melton Mowbray afterwards seemed like a treat.

Naturally, we bought a few plants, including some herbs which I must try to cajole into life on my kitchen windowsill.

Once home, I spent around three hours processing some infrared photos taken for the annual camera club challenge. Bit of a panic at first as I couldn't find Adobe Profile Editor online and then read that it was no longer being supported, but a fortuitous link led me to it. And a YouTube video helped me do the actual processing in Lightroom and Photoshop. The photos are OK. Won't set the world alight, but they're OK.

Roast chicken for dinner.

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