Keeping Warm

Oh dear, I feel this insistent cold east wind in this part of the country is becoming engrained and may stay for the foreseeable future, ensuring I spend a lot of time slicing and chopping to fuel His Lordship’s and my intake of hearty warming soups.
Sometimes it seems the year’s weather trend is set early on in the season; I do hope I’m wrong. An official ‘feels like 2°’ forecast is not the moment to rustle up a healthy cold salad for lunch.

I have included an extra blip of my still blooming ‘illegal’ narcissuses at the boundary wall. Every day I blip them in case I find nothing else can-worthy, and every day I think this must surely be their last gasp, but against all the odds of rain, frost and icy wind, they keep on giving- an example indeed to us mortals.

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