Reversal of Fortune

It is not pleasant to find oneself turning into a whingeing old person, but really this dire, damp, dreich weather would try the patience of a saint, especially when photos of the weather on the west coast come your way showing how it could be.
Son #1 is making the most of the reversal of fortune with this east wind by taking the family to Skye. The extra image of Loch Coruisk with the snow covered Cuillin behind makes for a much better image than Edinburgh Castle enshrouded in a wet mist, which is my main blip contribution.

It was such a depressing day that His Lordship and I pushed the boat out and had coffee in the Ivy Restaurant in St Andrew Square. Very nice it was too and worth the considerable number of extra shekels involved. The extra image of the bar was rather reminiscent of ‘Allo, Allo’, the old TV programme.

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