Being Friendly

Making an effort to catch up with myself so two blips today! 
I wanted to be digging on the allotment but as my iMac was being picked up at an unspecified time  I headed straight home after saying good morning to the ladies. But I managed to do some in the evening as the light faded. Another bed finally cleared of couch grass. Next bed is for the potatoes! That's got to be cleared of raspberry roots after being covered all last year - at the moment the rabbits are using it as their toilet! All improves the soil I guess and better than rats - but I will have to buy some more spray once I start putting leafy greens in. It makes the greens unpalatable to rabbits but safe for human consumption after a wash! 
I rather liked the way this tulip had bent over to greet the clematis - certainly being a lot more sociable than me - I put off both Vegan Jo and Nellie of the Woods visiting this week. I am becoming a recluse! The less I see of people the more I like it, and I'm beginning to wonder if I even want to pick up the threads of supposed  friendship with others in the village. I'll dip my toe in the water next week and see how it feels - with Jo and Nellie at least! 

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