Another RXD on the KESR

Spent the day coordinating another Railway Experience Day on the Kent and East Sussex Railway. Six participants had either parted from a large amount of cash or had the experience bought for them as a present.

In return for this they had two return trips along the railway, experiencing driving, firing, guarding and just being on their own train with family and friends. The day started with bacon and egg rolls, a full dinner between runs, biscuits in the afternoon all washed down with copious amounts of tea, coffee and water.

This is the 6th or 7th of these events I’ve worked on, all of which, despite the cost, have been thoroughly enjoyed by all. Good weather too, the Kent and Sussex countryside looked at its best from the windows of the carriage; lambs, primroses, herons, pheasants, bluebells, swans nesting, buzzards, blue skies, clear atmosphere and bright sun.

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