On the beach

I head for the sticks with my bus and friends,
I follow the road, though I don't know
where it ends.
Get out of town, get out of town, think I'll get out of town.

First stop, Aldgate, to collect a raffle prize. I’ve completely forgotten what the prize is and am pleasantly surprised when Inga gives me a Surface Pro plus keyboard cover.

Hot and sweaty, I arrive at White Lion Street for a company meet up. It turns out that it is a building site, hammers and saws, paint, doors without handles. It’s productive and exhausting.

A quick G&T at the Duke of Cambridge and then it’s off to Cannock Tapps for Steve’s 0x30 birthday party. Dan is there too. The ACCU birthday boy goes home, while Dan and I head for dim sum on Bread Street.

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