Spring has Sprung for Dandelions

Now that many of the ubiquitous daffodils have decided with the advent of temperatures in the teens to throw in the towel, the humble dandelion has taken over every spare crack in stonework along the pavements as if to show that they are hardier than their acclaimed precursors in yellow.
Although they will flourish all summer they are at their most verdant just now, and if they were not considered a weed, we might believe them to be very pretty and certainly cheerful.

His Lordship and I set off from the Dower House this morning heading for Morningside as the west wind whistled across Bruntsfield Links, only to discover that early birds do not experience searing heat.
In fact I felt obliged to check the temperature on my phone to discover it was 13° feeling like 11°. So much for the much acclaimed heat down south trumpeted so loudly from London and even the heat reported in the Aberdeenshire.
Still by the time we got home it was so much better at 15° that we felt bold enough to erect the sunshade on the patio, a definite challenge to any clouds on the horizon.

Introducing the subject of unaccustomed domestic activity I will mention the cleaning of 5 windows by HL which leaves 12 for another day, and all this after my freezer defrosting earlier in the week. I think the term for it is Spring Cleaning...... or having a sun induced funny turn.

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