
By KirstyHalbert

Zoom Zoom.

Today we have mostly been driving past some lovely scenery, in some lovely light. We were needing to get back with some time to unwind before work tomorrow, so we couldn't stop; I stole a couple of shots from the car window, blasting past Stonehaven on the final stretch to Aberdeen from Yorkshire.

We set off earlyish and took the west-coast route rather than the east-coast that we'd followed on the way down. One of the reasons for this was my desire to take a photo of the Angel of the North, à la Lady Marchmont's Blip from the other day. Unfortunately we had neither the weather or the quietness of her shot, and it turned out quite miserably!

The west-coast journey was not half as easy as the route we took down... A big mistake really. M managed to get us there in 6 hours and 2 minutes, including a coffee and a toilet break... But it was tough. We were both delighted to be invited to M's Mum and Dad's for our dinner: a roast chicken with roasty veg and caramelised banana (mmmh)! We headed back to our house for a comfy seat on the sofa in front of the fire, and an early bedtime.

In other news - thank you all so, so much for all the wonderful comments on yesterday's 365 Blip! I hit the spotlight and it put a maaaaaassive smile on my face :o) I will catch up with you all over the next few days.

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