Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Bologna Day Three

Steps: 9,254; 6.4km

Supposed to be 27° today, but thankfully, it really only gets to that in the late afternoon, and anyway, you can be in the shade all day, this city has more 'porticoes' (covered pavements) than any other city. (More than 40kms of 'em).

We wandered round a different part of town, found out about several tours, which we've lined up for the next few days. It's great having a whole week - don’t need to rush around.

Though JR did rush around. We have a cute little coffee machine in the flat, and we've run out of pods, but the only place they are sold is away across town (JR did 17,775; 11kms) while I relaxed and dozed off listened to my new audio book. It's tiring being on holiday.

Archie went out with Jordan today, then visited Rufus and his mum in the afternoon. He's having a good time and not missing us at all.

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