
By dreaming

It's always something

Today was a gorgeous day - bright sunshine and a high of 73 - so I went down to Carkeek Park to see what was blooming in the gardens.  Everything was - these white ones with blue berries and an unusual blowsy rhododendron I hadn't seen here before (Extra)  There was also a new braille marker describing new plantings in what had been the Prairie Garden (Extra).  It was a lovely visit.

But of course nothing is ever completely fine, and yesterday and today were anything but.  My older sister decided to do some acting out at her adult family home and she is now back in the psych ward, and homeless - they will not have her back.  Endless Weekend and I each spent hours with her in the Emergency Room before they admitted her last night - we're emotionally exhausted.  And now we have to deal with the impossible task of finding a place for her to live where they will actually be willing to deal with someone like her.  I am doing all right, because I tend to sit on my feelings, but poor EW is in real distress.  (And her wonderful Doug isn't here to support her, because he's in Arizona where his 85-year-old mother was in an auto accident.)  Fortunately, the doc in charge of the unit seems to have her number and we're encouraged by that.  But after seventy years, I'm ready for her to just disappear.

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