Sunshine on Edinburgh Castle

With the sun shining and the wind in hiding, albeit a temperature in single figures, His Lordship and I prepared to strut confidently into town to test the credentials of the Contini café in the RSA gallery. HL was immaculately besuited in Harris Tweed as befits the rank of elderly citizen of this Royal Burgh.
If ever there was an advert for the wearing of tweed in northern climes, then he is your man. See extra image

We pronounced the one serving of toast adequate for the two of us, giving me the energy to lope home via Princes Street Gardens while HL plodded the quick route back carrying the sausages. I kid you not- sweet potato and red pepper if you must know -and designated for inclusion in a vegetable and chick pea stew.

Such was the desire for vitaminD that the deck chairs were out in the gardens and all the benches crammed with tourists.
The sun has gone for the moment, but fingers crossed...........

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