JD and DukeOfCeleriac

This is the student who bought His Lordship’s beloved bike and will cycle it together with her boyfriend - new blipper, DukeOfCeleriac to Barcelona in the summer. They came round this afternoon to get a box of European cycle maps which I no longer need. We had tea on the patio in the sun for the handover. They are such a pleasant and charming pair that it was a delight to spend time with them.

The peace and calm of sitting looking out over the Meadows contrasted with the maelstrom of human activity happening on the streets outside on the way into central Edinburgh. Were I a tourist here, I would cut my visit short and escape the crowds, it is that unbelievably awful.

I have to wonder at what point the crush of visitors is so bad that they stop coming. For us Edinburgh residents, it is not so easy to avoid the hordes if we have things to do in the city centre. The bad news is, we haven’t even got to the Festival time.

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