Week 17.

The world is full of amazing things.

I think that's what my son is thinking every day.

Because on Monday he saw for the first time when a garbage car came to empty the garbage cans when we were at the park outside. He was so entranced of it that he looked it as long as the car was there. The car emptied five huge cans.

Later we went swimming.

And in the evening the package I ordered some time ago arrived. I ordered a play tent for my son but Nelli was thinking that it was for her. She immediately went inside and was meowing for company. She also slept the night in the tent.. <3

On Tuesday we went to Kotka to see my friend and her daughter who is same age as my son. The kids played and we talked with my friend. It was nice to see her and talk about things on boths mind..

Wednesday was a amazing day too, if you ask my son.
Some guys came to pave with asphalt the road just before our house. My son stand beside the window as long as they were done..

On Thursday we went to Imatra with my son. Otto is working still alot so I decided that we go to grandparents.

Friday my friend and her daughter came to see us at Imatra.

On Saturday we just spent time with grandparents and went to sauna. Also I got a little 'me time' and I went driving around Imatra because I love driving car and our new car is so good to drive. (Btw our car is the white car shown in one of the pictures.)

Today, on Sunday, we went to park with my son. Later I saw my friend. In the evening it was raining a bit. I decided that we go out with my son although it's raining. It wasn't raining hard so it was good time to test his new rain coat and pants.
Once again the world was an amazing place. He saw for the first time (?) when the rain droped from the eaves to ground, it was amazing. Also he got to sit on the wheelbarrow for the first time.

I wish I could be as happy as he is about all the small things.

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