As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Is It Larger Than A Loaf Of Bread?

Time to check on the damage.

The sun peeked out a little bit this morning, so I took my dog for a walk. I looked at all of the downed trees in my area and took some pictures. After that, I went for a run with Timmy. We met up with Chris, Brandon, and Joe for a little bit to check out how their part of town is. So many more trees down in Wantagh Woods. I ran into Pat trying to cross Wantagh Avenue, which was difficult because the lights were out. After showering, I met up with Nick and we walked to Kaitlin and Jaclyn. We slowly walked around the neighborhood, gathering people as we went; Paige, Alyssa, Avery, lost Alyssa, Shannon, Mike, Zach, Lindsey, and then Kenny. We walked back to my house and played the Post-it game, KanJam, and almost Apples to Apples. I have a feeling we'll be playing that a lot in the coming week.

Still have power, and school was cancelled again for tomorrow. Going on a five-day weekend now...

Word of the Day: Loup-garou - A werewolf; lycanthrope

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