As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Hard Sun


I've never seen Bethpage look as cool (no pun intended) as it did today. When we got there, the whole polo field was covered in snow. It looked awesome but we were all really nervous about how the course would be. We set up a tarp, put our stuff down, and played in the snow for a while. When it was time for us to get to the line, we all took off as much clothing as we dared and headed over. Frazer briefed us on the course conditions on our way to the line. We did a few stride-outs and then we were off. It was really cold in the beginning of the race but after about a mile I couldn't feel anything. It was tough to gain purchase on the polo field and the race in general was really slow. I was right on Timmy for the first two miles and I passed him with a mile left. I knew that meant either I was having a great race, he was having a terrible one, or a bit of both. I felt great so I thought I was running really well, and I did considering the conditions. 18:32, third for our team, and 22nd overall. Not a bad race for me. Wantagh boys came in third so we'll be at Counties next Saturday. The girls came in second and we had four girls in the top ten of their race. We had a lot of visitors today. Jenn, Shay, Walsh, Coelho (x2), Marty, and tons of parents. Today was a strange day for Wantagh cross country...

I felt terrible when I got home so I napped, did Euro homework, and watched 30 Rock. It's a really funny show.

Word of the Day: Thanatopsis - A view or contemplation of death

#21 ~ It's hard to run on snow.

Photo credit to Aly.

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