As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Well....I went to get a chest x-ray this morning and they determined that I'm fine, so I went to school right after third period began. In chem, Ms. Stuart showed us the fire-spitting pumpkin. I tried to get a good picture but I couldn't so this is what you get. The rest of the day was average. Practice was amazing and then terrible. After that I went to Lindsey's and a bunch of us walked around and got candy. I got egged (it would be me) so we washed my head off in Lindsey's sink when we got back there. We had pizza and some pasta Audrey made us (it was awesome!) and then we hung out in her house for a while.

What an interesting Halloween....I'm glad it's over.

Word of the Day: Nyctophobia - An abnormal fear of night or darkness

#22 ~ Eggs hurt. And so do pieces of candy when they hit your lip.

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