As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The Infamous Melting Door

Woke up this morning and played Super Paper Mario for the first time in forever. Then I ran to the track to meet up with Timmy and Danny and do a workout. It was pretty tough and my legs felt dead. Timmy threw up. After that I ran home and took a shower. Isabella showed up at my house with Roxy while I was in the shower so my dad entertained her for a bit. I will rush my shower for no man, woman, or dog. When I was ready, I took Peaches and the four of us walked to 7-11 to meet Maggie. I made Isabella a cup of coffee while she held the dogs outside. Maggie showed up and we walked to Beech Street to sit on the swings. We went to Maggie's house to drop off Riley (one of her four dogs) and to grab some things to charge at my house. Then we went to Isabella's to drop off Roxy and to get her phone charger. When we got to my house we brought Peaches in and plugged everything in before walking to Cherrywood for lunch. On the way back to Isabella's, Isabella saw a rabbit in the leaves on the Park Avenue bridge. She determined that it was in shock and decided to bring it back to her house. We put it in a box with some food and water and kept the dog, cats, and chickens away from it. From there we adventured North for quite a while and conversed with Ms. Cahill for a little bit. When I got home from that journey I ate dinner. I decided to clean the bathroom on a whim, and that took up an hour of my time. After that I wandered the neighborhood with Cheese. We went to Brandon's house to see if he was ok, but his dad answered the door and told us he wasn't home. We ran into his sister on our way to buy candy at 7-11 (they are making so much money from this). We walked back to Cheese's house and watched the first episode of Breaking Bad. Good show.

Oh, and happy Halloween.

Word of the Day: Lily-livered - Weak or lacking in courage; cowardly; pusillanimous

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