What a difference 12 hours makes

The biblical weather of yesterday was replaced by a jewel of a day, bright sunshine, clear horizons and light fluffy clouds. Warmer too.

We had a meeting with the Chair of the Parish Council and the Chair of the Environmental Committee first thing over the long running saga of the allotment sheds that were destroyed by fire last year.

And an unpleasant and unproductive meeting it was too. They didn’t approach the meeting in a spirit of finding a way forward rather they were determined to challenge everything I’d written and said, trying to prove they were right and I was wrong. They did concede that communication could have been better but they were not going to help replace the sheds. The battle continues. I attended a meeting of the Parish Council this evening simply to cause mischief, I didn’t ask questions I wanted them to think I just might!

In between the two meeting we went to the allotment, more digging and clearing. Almost there now, only one raspberry bed to clear then we’re done with the digging. Mowing and weeding will then be the order of the day.

As the weather was good we drove to Herne Bay for a walk along the seafront. Today’s blip comes from one of the many beach huts along the walk. Like the “traditional “ style.

During the Council meeting I was able to occupy some of the time catching up on blips; thank you again for your comments and patience.

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