Sunset at Cable Beach

We had a quieter day today. Visited the museum this morning which had some very good exhibitions on the pearling industry and also the bombing of Broome by the Japanese in WW2. There was also a surprisingly interesting and entertaining video about “The Hello Girls”, the switchboard operators at the Broome telephone exchange until 1982. There were some real characters and they really loved the job (and the gossip they were privy to).

We had a picnic lunch and swim at the resort this afternoon then rushed out a bit late just in time to catch the sunset over Cable Beach.

We were sick of spending so much money on our trip to NZ so have being doing it on the cheap here and picked up a BBQ chicken and some salads and wine at the supermarket for a nice relaxing dinner in our room for $20 :-)

I wanted to add a couple of extras but for some unknown reason the options are not available tonight so I’ll add them later if I can. One was the camels for Jolang.

Ah ha. Extras now up.
1. The camels. No one was riding so I don’t know if they had finished or had no takers. At $90 a go could be the latter.

2. This would have been nice to have had yesterday for the WW Mechanical challenge. It is a 9 cylinder radial engine from a Dutch Dornier seaplane. A lot of Dutch ex-pats fled from their then colony in Java when the Japanese invaded in early 1942. They flew to Broome only to be victims of a surprise attack. All the planes were destroyed and many, mainly women and children, killed. Very sad.

3. By special request Mr isbi wants me to post this one he took of me. Seeing it's my best angle and, I have to admit, not a bad shot here it is.

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