One photo..

This is me taking part in this challenge set up by Finnish blippers. You can only take one photo a day, no more!

By the way, it's so difficult! I'm pretty sure that some of you some days don't find anything to blip, but I bet you anything that if you set off with the purpose of taking one picture only, you will find tons of things to take pictures of. I ended up taking this photo, which I'm not happy with but, because I could only take one, I had no choice but to keep it and use it! Tough!

I tried to start the challenge yesterday, but that silly self portrait took me a few takes before I was happy with the result. But that's the only photo I took! :)

Today, however, I did it properly. I just took this one. I only had the small camera with me because it was pissing down and it's hard to take photos with the big camera when it's raining and you're holding an umbrella. The funny thing is I had to hide the camera to resist the temptation to take another one! Haha!

So, how can you tell I'm not cheating? Well, the answer is, I could have done better than this!

A day off today, but the weather was rubbish. Raining all day. A grey, wet and cold day. The picture describes it perfectly. I was feeling a bit sad as well. I guess it's lack of light, getting darker earlier and the weather being so crap. Holiday blues as well. Going to the gym helped a little bit... Oh well, I hope the sun shines a little bit tomorrow and puts a smile on my face.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my very silly self portrait! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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