Flat tyre

My bike has been misbehaving: three punctures in a week! Fed up of trying to fix the problem ourselves, this afternoon Mr hazelh and I took the bike to the cycle shop round the corner (from which we purchased my wheels back in September) to see if the experts can find the root of the problem.

Immediately afterwards I popped round to Tesco to buy some ice cream. There I had a lovely conversation with a Nigerian PhD student who was working on a promotional stand selling Flat Tyre cider. I tried some, liked it, and made a purchase, as blipped. It just seemed too appropriate to resist.

Earlier in the day I was engaged in sorting and soup making, and then Mr hazelh and I gatecrashed a crafternoon at Gina's house, where we also saw Wiebke and Erin.

Exercise today: walking (6292 steps); bike ride to Gina's.

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